Curious Sundial's
A fine selection of antique pocket sundials of various types dating from the 18th to 20th century.

Buonsignori Polyhedral Dial- Rare 19th Century Replica
Late 19th Century Polyhedral Sundial & Compass on ornate wooden stand. Antique replica of Stefano Buonsignori's famous Polyhedral sundial. This piece features triangular faces, each painted with a different type of sundial (vertical, horizontal, inclined), with a compass atop. The needles are used "to orient the instrument toward the local magnetic meridian".
The original, late 16th Century piece, owned by the Medici family, is featured in the Galileo Museum.

19th Century Miniature Ivory Terrestrial Globe & Sundial
Ivory pieces not for sale.
Scarce 19th century, English-made, miniature Ivory Terrestrial Globe & Sundial. The outer portion features a Scrimshaw-carved & painted map of the world. The hinged globe opens to reveal an incised Roman Numeral with brass gnomon, Rose-wood mounted cover, on brass socle, and circular ivory plinth.
Featured in the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów.

Pillar Dial by Henri Robert
Wooden pillar dial by Henri Robert. French-made. Circa 1840.
First invented by the Ancient Romans, circa year 0. Also called Shepards Dial's, as they were originally primarily used by Shepard's in the Pyrenees.
Featured in the Adler Planetarium.

Custom Italian Brass Regiomontanus Dial
An incredibly scarce original brass Regiomontanus (Capuchian) Dial & Sun Quadrant. With Original gears & string gnomon. Incredible, Italian-made piece.
Similar models are featured in the British Museum and the National Museum of American History.

Vintage Croatian Ring Dial
Mid-20th Century, made in & signed 'DUBROVNIK', stamped brass ring dial. Ring dial with pierced slip-ring to set solar declination. Joint of slip-ring serves as knob to facilitate position of hole. Declination scale labeled in initials of calendar months.

1954 American Polar Sundial & Compass
Mid-20th Century Brass Polar (Cruciform) Sundial. Dial plate fixed parallel with the Earths' axis, gnomon parallel to dial plate, hour lines parallel to gnomom & each other, with 3 adjustable feet. Dated 1954. Unsigned, likely American (in English, possibly British), with German button compass. Made of 1/8th and 3/16th brass plate. Equation of time data stamped on base plate. Incredibly well, machinist made.

Portable Folding Equinoctial Ring Sundial & Armillary Sphere
Signed 'H.M.K. Sunwatchmakers A. 8720 Knittelfeld'. A reproduction Portable Folding Equinoctial Ring Sundial & Armillary Sphere.