Pocket Compass Sundials
A wide range of various pocket compass sundials from Europe & America dating 17th to 20th centuries.

Travelers' Horizontal Sundial
Shown in each corner of above slideshow are varying Wooden-cased Horizontal Sundial's. These folding dials, also known as Traveler's Dials, were popular among the Victorian & Edwardian elite. Pictured is an English-made sundial and horizontal clock, made for 49 degree latitude.

1875 Butterfield-Style Folding Pocket Sundial by J. Baum & Co.
Ornate Victorian Butterfield-style Pocket Sundial by J. Baum & Co., of Birmingham. Dated 1875, this interesting chased gilt, folding subsidiary sundial has a fixed gnomon with inset button compass, engraved detail and arabic numeral hour markations.
Featured in the Whipple Museum at the University of Cambridge.

Late Georgian Treen Domed Sundial & Compass
English-made. Original domed glass, with treen domed, hinged top. Early 19th Century. Magnetic dial for 51 degree latitude. In the lid of the box is a table of corrections for the equation of time.
Featured in the Royal Greenwich Museum.

1795-1820 American Hand-Coloured Brass Pocket Dial
Antique Brass Pocket Sundial, Hand-coloured paper face dial. Circa 1790-1820. Complete with threaded screw-on lid, fixed upright gnomon, and hand-etched face. This piece features a lovely patina exhibiting extensive field use Complete piece, this dial was designed without a glass face. American-made.

Wooden Dome Cased Pocket Dials
A pair of Antique Wooden Dome- Cased Sundial Compasses. With original paper face plates, wooden tops, and functioning dials.
19th Century Samuel Porter Sundial with fixed gnomon, original domed Mahogany case, with time calculation tables on lid. Mid 1800's. Missing original glass dome. Edwardian era, English-made.
A 19th Century Pantochronometer, with central compass and outer inscribed dial. Glazed cover and turned lidded sycamore case. Victorian era, American-made.